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Kind Words

"The project is a complex undertaking, which has required a variety of approaches and the ability to work professionally under sometimes trying circumstances. Ms. Russ has organized and executed this work with minimal oversight and accomplished the goals and objectives."

"Mallary's involvement was critical in making this happen and her vision and support since then, including connecting us through social media opportunities, has led to further developments and partnerships such as the already successful Wine Wednesday pairings we launched on Valentines day.


It has been great to work with Mallary on all levels. Her dynamic personality, positive energy and keen business sense have been an asset in the development of our businesses. After every interaction we are left with a sense of appreciation for what she brings through her conduct, ideas, network and committement. We are thankful for all we have achieved with her to date and look forward to building working relationship towards continued success in the future." 




"Lena has worked to promote positive staff management. She has changed our organizational capacity and created better business development pathways. With her encouragement, we have been able to generate more market opportunities and engage in creative marketing strategies."


"Lena has been a pleasure to work with, bringing her attention to detail to every client she deals with. Her communication and people skills are excellent, she is always there to contribute new ideas and ways to excel." 


"Mallary brought a tremendous expertise that both my husband and I benefited from. She knew the front of house, as well as, the back of the house like she worked for us for years. 


There are challenges when you open a new restaurant, unforseen circumstances that happen on a daily basis. Nothing seemed to throw Mallary off track, she continued on through daily challenges and communicated to us exactly what needed to be done and what the priorities were. 


She is super organized and hard working. She is a great manager who is respected by her coworkers (senior and junior). Her customer skills are superb and she was dedicated to our happiness and to our bottom line."

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